Kamis, 29 Desember 2016

Boru ni Raja

This is my first year end spending time with my husband family.

A little homesickness come to me. My little sist sent me her photo cleaning up the home. It is a ritual for us before facing the new year. Making so much cakes with mom till midnight, and mandok hata ritual and many more. I can't do those now. And for the next time i won't may be.

In bataknese, a girl who has married is considered been sold to her husband family. So here i am with my new family.

No lazzines but marhobas. You are labelled as boru ni raja it means in your mother in law house you should washing the dishes, clean up the room, thinking about what to eat, what to do for comfy all people there and ready for any instrution. Like making tea for guest coming.

No intimate with your husband but stand with all your strength. Here i am, the new member in this family, the person i really know well and love me so well is my husband only. Well, here my husband and they all can reflex their love with all lovely touch. Of course, i don't. It is impossible to give or accept lovely touch from your fam in law. So it seems i am the only strong human there. Of course i miss my husband, but we can do nothing. Also my husband doesnt treat me like his priority, sleeping in his mom legs with lovely hand touch from his mom, walking left me behind if we walk together. May be he just too enjoy his time and forget his role as a husband. What can i do? Just stay strong boru ni raja.

Loving and be wise. Boru ni raja should can love your fam in law as you love your biologic fam with all your respect. You should be wise to face any condition with all bataknese custom. Any mistake will be considered as 'dang hasea'. Boru ni raja should take with her all the respect in every her thought every her word and every her action.

The last, i will always learn. I will stand firm. I let no body can hurt me but i will love. I will love.

Happy new year 2017. Please come to the earth all the peace from our God and all prosperity.

Tarutung, dec 30 2016

Minggu, 04 Desember 2016



Waktu kutunjukkan blog ini ke suami, dia nyengir bae trus bilang 'udah banyak sarang laba2'. 
Eh, suami?
Yup. I was officially married on july ago. Jadi sekarang aku udah merit, resign dari RS Atma Jaya, trus hijrah ke Tjepoe, kota minyak di Jawa Tengah. 

But now, i am sitting at one of lounge in Ahmad Yani Airport, waiting for flight to Jekardah. Ha? Yes, i more often travel around since married because my husband's job forced him out of town anytime and anywhere. Anytime and anywhere? yes. Bandung, Jakarta, Cirebon, can not tell you what city will we visit next.

Jadi ya sekarang aku mau aktif menulis lagi. Kupikir ada baiknya untuk sambil melatih bahasa inggrisku, aku akan menulis dalam bahasa inggris sesering mungkin and as can as i do. hahaha bener gak sih ntu!

Jadi apa nak kite cakap ni?
Some ideas are in my mind now, let me list them below so i will make stronger commitment to write out. haahha.. 
1. all about Tjepoe
2. all about my new little fam
3. all about health esp pharmacy
4. anything flash out my thought need to write. 

So, here we go. Go to Jekardah first. hehehe

Jumat, 11 Maret 2016

Profesi seberang

Jakarta, 11 Maret 2016

Pas keliling2 rekon pasien, aku berkunjung ke satu bangsal. Biasanya ak kurang hepi di bangsal ini karena dokternya aneh (cuek, red) dan susternya aneh juga (jutek, red) hahah..

Tapi hari ini berbeda. 
Satu temanku perawat yg dulu kebetulan tes di hari yang sama ternyata akan resign sebentar lagi. Dia curhat kalo dia tidak mendapatkan haknya, duit. Sekitar 2jt.. panjang ceritanya, yg kalau menurut pendapatku itu emang seharusnya terjadi. Tapi..karena kesalahan (lebih tepatnya dikatakan kelalaian atau ketidakpedulian) pihak SDM. Dia terlalu lama diangkat jadi karyawan tetap, tapi potongan2 tetap diberlakukan. 

Curhat demi curhat akhirnya mengalir di nurse station itu mengenai 'penderitaan' sesama kami karyawan di RS tercintah ini. Pret. Aku juga ikutan curhat.hahaha..

Tiba2 bruder W ngomong gini "kalo jadi perawat itu susah suksesnya yah.. paling cuman kalo perawat ICU, OK, HD yg cepet sukses nya. Lah kalo perawat bangsal mah gitu2 aja sampe tua...
Gimana nanti anak gue ya kalo minta duit jalan2. Pah, minta duit buat jalan2. Gue musti bilang apa.." dia ngomong gitu sambil termenung gitu dan mukanya itu sumpah sedih maksimal. 

Entahlah, aku jd ikutan beneran sedih ampe to the deep of my heart. Aku emang ga bisa bantu apa2 kawan. Tetaplah semangat. Aku mendoakanmu.. 

Btw kaya profesi gue udh bener aja yah.hahahahahha...